Style Guide

This chapter is for editing purposes only and is not visible to lay users.


All headings should be title case (first letter of each word upper case) and use the built-in headings styles. To check if headings are styled properly, use the drop-down menu at the top of the chapter to see if they are listed.

All chapter navigation should be turned on, though the depth should be determined by the context.

Tables and Figures

All tables and figures should have a number label and a title listed before them. All labels should be bolded. All titles should be sentence case and italicized.

Table 1

An Example Table

[ table here ]

Figure 1

An Example Figure

[ figure here ]


All references should have the references style applied, which will apply a hanging indent.


There should not be any extra / empty lines between content.

Callout Boxes

Callout boxes should be commonly labeled and should generally use the default style.

Example Callout Box

This uses the "default" style.

Exceptions include the following and should always be labeled exactly as below:

Learning Check

This should use the "exercises" style.

Male Examples

Use the "objectives" style.

Female Examples

Use the "information" style.

PDAR Boxes

Use the "positive" style.


[ Add color stuff here. ]


Each chapter should have identified authors with biographies and photos.

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