HW 1.6 Time Capsule Self-Assessment

Reviewing My Current Assessment Practices


Learning Outcome Pedagogical Intent Student Position

Identify and articulate how your beliefs impact your ability to gather and evaluate evidence of student learning.

Assessment: 50 pts.

Due: Session 4

Teacher can, as they learn about assessing students, apply their learning to change/improve their assessments they currently use to assessments that will increase their knowledge of what and how their students are learning. Student have informally shared how they gather evidence of student learning and their current views of assessing, learning, and teaching. Now they document their most recent formal and informal assessment practices in ways that support future reflection and demonstrations of growth.


Create one copy of a time capsule that includes the following three items:

Item A: Formal Assessment: Describe in one page or less how you formally assessed and graded students during your most recent teaching experience. Include the following three sections in your description:

Include evidence to support your descriptions, such as a few photocopies of example tests, other assessments, and gradebook pages. To preserve student confidentiality, please omit the names of individual students.

Item B: Informal Assessment: Describe in one page or less how you informally monitored what students were learning during your most recent teaching experience. Include the following three sections in your description:

Include any evidence you have that supports this description of your informal practices (e.g., notes, anecdotal records).

Item C: Download the Snapshot of Me form, respond to the questions and and print out one copiy.

  1. Seal the 9 x 12 envolope containinig your time capsule. Write your name on the outside of the envelope and give it to your facilitator in Session 4. This envelope will be returned to you during near the end of the course where you will examine your growth from the course.

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